The Goucher College Library and The Friends of the Goucher College Library sponsor
an annual research prize competition for outstanding research by Goucher students
using library resources. The $250 prizes were first offered in 2004 in honor of Julia
Rogers’ 150th birthday. If you have produced work of which you are especially proud,
please consider entering. View winning entries from previous years.
For more information on the Julia Rogers Research Prize please contact
Currently accepting applications. Please submit your work at
Goucher College undergraduate and graduate students
We will accept any research-focused project, including but not limited to:
To submit your project as a candidate for the Julia Rogers Research Prize you must provide the following:
1. A completed submission form
2. The project itself:
3. A reflection essay describing the research strategy. Consider the following:
You may download and view the Criteria for Evaluation Rubric (DOCX) which has information regarding the specific criteria for evaluation.
Do I have to submit a research paper?
No. As of 2020 we have expanded the rules to accept all sorts of projects in various
formats. Please see the What Types of Projects are Accepted tab above.
My project is in a foreign language. Do I need to translate it to apply?
No. The essay describing your research strategies must be written in English, but
your project can be submitted in its original language. An abstract or summary of
your project in English would be useful but is not required.
Are team projects eligible?
My project was completed for a course that took place before the listed calendar year.
Is my project eligible?
No. Projects must be completed during the listed eligible calendar year.
May I submit a project completed for independent study?
Yes. As long as it meets all submission guidelines, any project completed for a credit
course at Goucher College qualifies.
May I submit multiple projects for the award in the same year?
Yes. Please complete a separate submission for each project.
I won an award last year. May I submit a project this year?
I’ve graduated from Goucher but completed my research project during the year indicated
under How to Apply. May I submit my project?
Can I submit my graduate thesis?
Not in its entirety. Please pick a representative chapter and submit it and the abstract
Will my sophomore project be judged against a senior project?
Not for the general prize categories. Projects are judged based on the categories
freshman/sophomore, junior/senior, and graduate.
What is the Margaret Guccione Prize?
Margaret Guccione was a library colleague who began the Julia Rogers Research Prize
at Goucher. In honor of her memory, the committee awards a prize to an exemplary paper.
Projects from all levels are judged together. There is no separation of year-level
in this award.
Who are the judges?
Each year a different mix of librarians and Goucher community members reviews all
Could winning a Julia Rogers Research Prize affect my financial aid?
It is best to contact Financial Aid to discuss your specific situation.
What is eScholarship@Goucher?
eScholarship@Goucher is Goucher College's online openly-accessible institutional repository that collects
the scholarly output of the Goucher community.
If I am a winner do I have to put my project in eScholarship@Goucher?
While we encourage putting the winning projects in eScholarship we know that some
subject areas and some formats may not best fit. In these cases we will only put
the winning essay in the repository.
When are the award winners notified?
All applicants will be notified prior to the Spring Student Symposium.
When do I receive my prize money?
Each winner will receive a check for the prize money in June.